Well today was the BIG DAY! I had my appointment with the Orthotist to wear my CRO for the first time. I must say, if I could “I do not like it very much!” The orthotist had to make many changes to the CRO to make sure that it fit correctly. Its main objective is to allow my head to grow in spots where it hasn’t and restrict growth where it has too much. In my case, my right forehead is bossed a bit, so that is where the most pressure will be placed. Also, my right rear side of my head is where my Plagiocephaly is, and that area is wide open so that my head can fill in there. Mommy and Daddy were given a strict schedule to follow regarding the “break-in” period. That schedule is: DAY 1—on 4 hours, off 1 hour; DAY 2—on 8 hours, off 1 hour; DAY 3—on 12 hours, off 1 hour; DAY 4—on 16 hours, off 1 hour and finally DAY 5—on 23 hours, off 1 hour. From Day 5 on I am to wear it 23 hours per day. Twenty-three hours per day, that sure seems like a lot. For the best correction, Mommy and Daddy have to be strict in making me wear it. I hope we can do it. It doesn’t seem like it is going to be easy. My measurements for today were:
Circumference 17 ½ inches
Width 4 5/8 inches
Length 6 ¼ inches
Right F to Left R 5 13/16 inches
Left F to Right R 5 9/16 inches
Diagonal Difference ¼ inch