Wednesday, January 27, 2010

More adjustments, more adjustments. Ughhh!

Back to Delatorre today to get some adjustments and drive the Orthotist crazy while he tries to measure my head. Mommy and Daddy have really noticed the improvement in my shape now. It really seems to be doing the trick. As best he could, the orthotist took some more measurements. They were:

Circumference 18 inches
Width 4 ¾ inches
Length 6 5/16 inches
Right F to Left R 6 ¼ inches
Left F to Right R 6 1/8 inches

**once again, the orthotist stressed that the measurements are far from perfect. He, as well as, Mommy and Daddy have really seen improvement. An appointment was set for 2/17/2010 for me to see my neurosurgeon, Dr. Green. Hopefully she will be pleased with my improvement as well.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I am a crawling machine now!! Look out.

I had physical therapy today and my PT was amazed. Since she saw me last on 1/12 I have started crawling like a freight train. I rarely stop now. Once she got a hold of me, I was able to turn my head to the left almost 80 degrees. Wow, that is almost as good as it gets. This stuff really is working. I must say, I don’t like it all that much, but it is working. I am down to just about a 3-5 degree tilt to left when I’m sitting now. Yippee!!