Friday, May 14, 2010

Appt. today at Peditrician and lunch with mommy!

Mommy and I had to go to the peditrician today for a checkup. They wanted me to get some follow up XRays of my head to make sure all is going well since I had the Plagiocephaly. It was okay, sorta uncomfortable, but no big deal. For me being so good, mommy took me to Golden Corral. I just love that place so many veggies and fruits. YUMMY!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Being a baby girl is so difficult sometimes!

One of the nice things about being a baby is--You can fall asleep anywhere and anytime you want. Priceless!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Our Article in the South Hills Record

Click here to visit the South Hills Record and read about Alexandra's PHATE and Christopher's Journey with his new STARband.

Monday, May 3, 2010

It's been a while, but I'm really getting acclimated to my freedom!

Hi EVeryone. I know it has been a week or so since my last post, but I am really getting used to not wearing my helmet anymore. I went with mommy and daddy today to an interview with a local newspaper that is writing a story about our foundation. It was kind of exciting. I got to meet all of Christopher's brothers and sisters. I really like to swing outside and watch my doggy play frisbee. I am telling him to go get it in this picture.