Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I have graduated from my STARband 4/21/2010

Mommy, Daddy and my Orthotist, Tom, mutually agreed that I was going to graduate from my STARband helmet today. What a great day. Now I can go on being the normal little girl that I was all along. No more stares, questions, glares, chuckles, etc. I am glad I went through it, but I am also glad it is over. 6 months of 23 hours a day therapy.

Special Thanks to:

  • Mommy and Daddy
  • Orthomerica Inc. / STARband
  • Delatorre Orthotics and Prosthetics
and everyone else who has been following my updates. We appreciate your love and support and will continue to do our best with the foundation.

Alexandra 2010

Alexandra has GRADUATED from her STARband!!

Well, for those of you that have been following Alexandra's Story, she has officially GRADUATED from her STARband today. We met with the Orthotist and we mutually agreed that it did its job on Alexandras Plagiio correction. Thanks to everyone that has been supportive during this time. We will continue to do our best to assist families affected by Torticollis Plagiocephaly and CROs through our foundation Many Thanks again!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

I don't think I am going to wear my STARband anymore

Hello, Meet my doggy Eli! He always loves to sit next to my highchair when I eat, just IN CASE I might drop something. I eat just about everything and haven't been pickey at all, like Daddy. I haven't warn my helmet for a couple of days, and think Mommy and Daddy may have graduated me from it. We have an appointment at the Orthotist this week, maybe just for a final measurement. I really enjoy the wind blowing through my hair, Eli licking my face and Mommy and Daddy being able to hold me close.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Alexandras PHATE donates helmet to Pittsburgh Family

Alexandra's PHATE is donating a helmet to a family in our hometown. What a nice day it was today. We got to visit Union Orthotics and Prosthetics and see how the STARscanner works. What amazing technology. It takes a perfect scan of a child's head in 1.5 seconds. I got to meet Christopher and he is going to be getting his STARband very soon. Can't wait to hear his story.

Thanks to Union O & P and Orthomerica for allowing us to help this family in need. If you have any questions about how AlexandrasPHATE can help you. Please visit our website at

Also, we will be starting a blog here for Christopher's family to give you some insight on their Journey. Check back soon.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

The first really sunny day of the year. Nice

Mommy took me out to the mall today with Gigi and Pappy. I got to wear my cool shades. Our orthotist told mommy and daddy I can really stop wearing the helmet whenever I want now.

Hopefully sooner than later!